In New Zealand, normal Bachelor degrees are of three years while all professional degrees and degrees with Honors take 4 years. Master’s Degrees duration would depend on the basis of your bachelor’s degree. Normally the duration of the master degree is two years. However, if you are changing the stream i.e. If you coming from engineering background to business or vice versa then the entry would be through a Graduate Diploma which means that you will be required to do a one year additional study to make up for your bachelors degree.

In this case your master’s degree would take three years. However, you can leave after the Graduate Diploma or Postgraduate Diploma, which offer good employment opportunities.


The Education: New Zealand is internationally respected for its high quality education. Its education system is forward looking and innovative and offers many exceptional quality, cutting edge facilities.

Safe: A safe environment that is conducive to learning is offered and its attention to the needs and concerns of international students is emphasized by quality support services and study opportunities.

New Zealand Universities: Eight government-funded universities offer undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses and some of these universities provide foundation programmes. Although each of these universities offers an array of subjects that comprise different degrees, each university has its own specialized programmes.

Accommodation: Students who wish for an excellent quality education and a fantastic lifestyle will find that New Zealand perfectly fits the bill on both accounts. An education and qualifications gained in New Zealand will be highly respected no matter where you are in the world and with so many educational resources and technologies available, New Zealand is an excellent destination for education and high quality living.

The Place: New Zealand is one of the most spectacular and beautiful countries in the world. It is famous for its scenery, its success as a sporting nation and its friendly and accommodating people. Many international students have described New Zealand as a vibrant and exciting country that offers fun and new experiences as well as excellent opportunities for study.